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A little tea, a little chat

I've been a compulsive reader, writer and theatre goer all my life. My book blog is here: http://alittleteaalittlechat.wordpress.com/ Mostly food at the moment but also knitting is here: http://cathyingeneva.wordpress.com/

Currently reading

Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
Sheldon S. Wolin
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Gustave Flaubert
Nebula Award Stories 3
Harlan Ellison, Gary Wright, Samuel R. Delany, Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, Roger Zelazny, J.G. Ballard, Anne McCaffrey
Cosmology and Controversy: The Historical Development of Two Theories of the Universe
Helge Kragh
Max Frisch

The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns

The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns - Robert Burns The thing I don't understand about the people who analyse Plath's poems in terms of the tawdry details of her life - 'She wrote this one after Ted put his dick in what's her name' - is that it demeans the nature of the relationship. Plath's poetry isn't a never-ending series of reactions to whose vagina her husband's penis is in today. Her poetry is, if you like, her contribution to the never-ending discussion of the meaning of life. I don't see that it is being interpreted the right way if we take some microscope to it and her.

Same here. Look at this rather lovely poem:

continued on my blog