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A little tea, a little chat

I've been a compulsive reader, writer and theatre goer all my life. My book blog is here: http://alittleteaalittlechat.wordpress.com/ Mostly food at the moment but also knitting is here: http://cathyingeneva.wordpress.com/

Currently reading

Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
Sheldon S. Wolin
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Gustave Flaubert
Nebula Award Stories 3
Harlan Ellison, Gary Wright, Samuel R. Delany, Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, Roger Zelazny, J.G. Ballard, Anne McCaffrey
Cosmology and Controversy: The Historical Development of Two Theories of the Universe
Helge Kragh
Max Frisch

If Research Were Romance and Other Implausible Conjectures

If Research Were Romance and Other Implausible Conjectures - Manny Rayner This is a terrible book and you shouldn’t buy it.

Did you know the author eats his snot with orange jelly?

Ugggh. That is so disgusting.

Who eats orange jelly?

Anyway, if you do decide to buy his book, don’t get the signed copies. The unsigned ones come straight from Lulu. Or, if you HAVE to have a signed copy, make a note in your order that you want it signed by somebody else.

He doesn’t wash his hands properly if you ask me either.


The reason you missed this review when it first came out was that Manny who lives on goodreads, probably because the sex is no good at home, immediately flagged it on grounds of inaccurate information about the author. He told them he’d given up eating orange jelly.

It’s not true. He does so still.

So I’m putting this back up and I suggest you all read it and vote for it as soon as you can, before he flags it and it is taken down again. Surely Manny should get more votes than David Irving. Especially now that you have discovered the truth about him.

NGE: Fearlessly fighting for free speech on goodreads. Somebody has to do it properly.


Oh. There is this too.
